Rome Metro Tickets and prices for the metro in Rome 2025: Tips & Information

on 9. January 2025   /   4   /  

Rome Metro: Tickets & prices. All important tips and information regarding the metro and tickets in one place: Compared to other European capitals, the metro system in Rome is relatively easy to grasp because there are only three lines: A, B, and C. Line A and B intersect at the train station Termini in the middle of Rome, while line C lies further outside. However, plans are in place to extend the third line into the city center. The first metro line in Rome opened in 1955 and has since become a regular way of transport for Romans to travel across the city.

Rome Metro: Tickets and prices for the metro

How long does the metro operate?

The metro in Rome operates everyday from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm. It runs an additional hour on Fridays and Saturdays.

Tickets and prices for the metro in Rome

So that you find the right ticket for your stay in Rome, I’m giving you here a short overview of all the metro tickets that are of interest to visitors. In case you wondered, I have also listed the prices as of 2017.


One way ticket

The one way ticket BIT (Biglietto Integrato a Tempo) is for those who use the metro or the bus occasionally to travel from A to B in Rome. The price of the BIT is currently 1,50 euro and is valid for 100 minutes, which means that you may change lines. You can switch from one metro to another, but only within the same metro station. It is also possible to change from the metro to the bus within the given time frame.

For 15 euro you can buy a carnet of 10 BIT tickets.

Day ticket

The day ticket in Rome is a 24-hour-ticket and becomes valid the first time you use it. For instance, if you validate the ticket at 1 pm, you can use it until 12:59 pm on the following day. The price for the day ticket in Rome is 7 euro for adults.


Multi-day ticket

If you spend several days in Rome, you should buy a multi-day ticket: you can choose from the Roma 48h and the Roma 72h. Just like day tickets, multi-day tickets are valid for the duration of the hours purchased. Upon validation, you can either use them for 48 or 72 hours in total. The 48h ticket costs 12,50 euro and the 72h ticket 18 euro.


Weekly ticket

The weekly ticket CIS (Carta Integrata Settimanale) can be used for 7 days and is valid from the first validation until midnight on the 7th day.

Tourist ticket for Rome: The Roma Pass

The Roma Pass has been conceived for tourists. It offers a metro card in addition to many other advantages in Rome. With the Roma Pass you have unlimited access to the metro, buses, and the tramway in Rome. You can buy it with a validity of 48 or 72 hours.

The Roma Pass 72h costs 52 euro and is the common Roma Pass. It is available for purchase at all selling points and offers (in addition to the metro card) free entry to two sights or archaeological sites in Rome. With the Roma Pass you also get free entry to many museums or a price reduction on the entry fee. Ultimately, it can also help you skip long queues.


The Roma Pass 48h costs 32 euro and is less common in use. For that reason it is not available everywhere, but you should find it at tourist information centers. As the name indicates, this Roma Pass is valid for 48 hours. It offers a metro card for 48 hours and free entry to one Roman sightseeing or archaeological site as well as different price reductions.

The Roma Pass can be purchased at all participating museums, tourist information counters and certain metro stations in Rome.

The metro plan in Rome

So that you find your way in the metro in Rome, you can download the metro map here.

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4 Reader Comments

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  1. Dan says:

    Can I validate my metro ticket on the train if I have forgotten or does it have to be done at the station?

    Also, will they go easy on tourists if we forget to validate?

    • Solene HelpTourists says:

      Hi Dan,

      to take the metro you first need to validate your ticket, it can’t be otherwise actually because in every station you’ll find turnstiles. You’ll have to insert your ticket into the slot provided at the front of the turnstiles and then you can go.
      Solène from HelpTourists

  2. wilson says:

    Dear customer service,

    I will be travelling to Rome on 3/11 until 8/11 (leaving for Florence). I am staying at Adesso Hotel Rome (beside Turbitina station). I am thinking of buying the weekly ticket CIS (Carta Integrata Settimanale) which can be used for 7 days and is valid from the first validation until midnight on the 7th day. This CIS ticket is valid only for METRO travel?
    OR what other tickets is suitable? Thanks

    • Solene HelpTourists says:

      Hi !

      you can use the ticket CIS on the metro, bus, tram and trains in Rome ! I would also recommend this ticket

      regards, Solene from HelpTourists

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