About HelpTourists Rome
This online travel guide is all about the Italian capital Rome. It contains useful tips and information for a successful city trip to Rome. Are you looking for the best ice cream in town? Where can you have a good breakfast (even though the Italians don’t appreciate breakfast that much)? How does the metro work […]
Advertising and PR
HelpTourists Rome, the online travel guide to Rome, is a website where tourists can find detailed information about Rome to plan their holidays. It relies on facts that are important for visitors in Rome and thus, it responds to the real needs of travelers to Rome. You will find more information on advertising opportunities on […]
About me
The online travel guide HelpTourists Rome is written by Denise Urbach. She is known as a blogger, author for travel guides and content producer for German-speaking travel blogs, internationally renowned travel sites and travel magazines. Rome is besides Paris one of her favorite cities. Her many insider tips and useful information are shared on HelpTourists […]